Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 94 maintain!

Ok, this will be my final post, I promise!

I LOVE the maintenance workouts. I planned to take tuesday off except got itchy for a workout and did 8 minute abs and 15 minutes of jumprope. The last two days I've done full workouts from day 67 and 72 to try and keep myself at a high level. However, the new maintenance workouts have put an end to that!

Food wise I haven't gone mental. I had my first mince pie of the year which was delicious and I've gone back to school lunches (spaghetti carbonara and shepards pie...stuff like that.).

I'm really looking forward to christmas, and I'd like to wish everyone on this project a merry christmas and a happy new year!

Goodbye again!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 90 Ninety days later..

..Its all over. I simply can't believe it has passed so quickly. At times it seemed to creep along, but after day 70, it just flew. Its been a great experience, I felt a slight lump in the throat as I finished my last workout. I did the day 8 workout, it was great fun, simple but fun. It feels like I'm leaving a familiar place, a way of life.

my critical stats are interesting, very good reading!
  • body fat = 10%, down from 15%
  • weight = 54 kgs, down from 58 kgs
All of this equals = looking and feeling epic! And my school trousers keep falling down!

This was me on September 15th..

And on Day 90..


To me, the difference is huge. I now have abs and even a six pack! Even just saying that to myself runs a chill down my spine. And I now have arms to be proud of and I feel great. My final photos are up on flickr, so enjoy! ( Notice the lack of a hair cut too! )

As per Patrick's suggestion, I have a few action shots lined up in my workout attire (not very suffisticated I know)

Ok, I must admit the pull up shot I'm in my pyjamas!

I really enjoy the workouts. I plan to continue them on as my full time workout regime, around 4 times a week.

Plans, there are several things that I have experienced during this project that will stay with me for the rest of my life

  •  The workouts. I never thought that I could do so many full body workouts in succession. Every muscle is worked and looks good. They're safe, simple and they get that all important burn!
  • My new found food awaremess. I'll never look upon eating in the same light ever again. I know what to do and what not to do and that feeling of control is fantastic.

  • Jumprope is the business. Yes it can be frustrating but its quick and sometimes quite enjoyable.

  • Oatmeal! I've discovered the wonders of a good bowl of oatmeal every morning, and I don't think that will change for a while to come!

  • 8 minute abs is the bomb!  
Food is 80 percent. I have to say I was shocked to hear that, but I think I understand now. I finished my workout at 7 pm and had a great family meal, Chicken and stuffing, carrots with string beans and some cheesy potatoes, absolutely divine! However, here is a pic of my last PCP meal...cue mournful music...

 delicious, but no sauce! Not needed? debatable..

Now, things I will not miss AT ALL..

  • Veggies in the morning, not good but tolerable.

  • Working out every day, I think I'll stick to 4 times a week.

  • Packed lunches to school, the school lunches are good. No fried crap!

And thats about it.

My inspiration I have to say played a good role in my developement. cristiano Ronaldo is a great footballer, but also in unreal shape, peak condition you might say! He even wears a special jaw re-aliner to straighten his posture, apparently having a straight jaw results in better balance?

Ok, team cookie monster and team orange crush! You guys rock on! I feel like its an end of an era almost, I know that sounds odd but its going to be strange not interacting with people you've been so close to for three months. Everyones progress has been equally impressive in there own way. Sara I'll miss your funny and querky posts and comments. Brian your laid back nature and encouraging words. Ian and Susan, what a cool couple! Erin for her ability to get through tough times to reach such great ones! Ellen for your honesty and positive vibes. Alex for fighting on during illness and finally Nicole, for being a great cousin and motivator.  I hope Erin is keeping well with baby Vincent and Alex is making a good recovery, you guys were missed.

I think Patrick is an example of how having someone guiding you along can be so vital. I'll miss his daily e-mails and words of wisdom and I hope we can actually talk someday. Patrick, you're the man! I think the only way I can some up this experience is this; people have asked me "whats this diety fitness thing you're doing?". I say, I am doing the Peak condition project. However, I don't think you can just 'do' the PCP. You live it and experience it. It doesn't control your life, it shapes it and it isn't impossible, its great!

I really feel the emotion now, I'm the worst with goodbyes even if I am thousands of miles away from all of you! I love this song, I feel its appropriate..

Good luck everyone, and who knows I may meet one of you someday (Of course excluding Nicole, I'll see her again alright!)

Great experience and I'll miss all this...thanks once again Patrick!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 89 almost there

Its a good feeling, a great feeling. Ok, its not over just yet but I feel that I've made it. I'm going to assess all thats gone on during the last three months and put all of it down tomorrow. I've got some good picture ideas lined up and I'm looking forward to tomorrows wrap up post.

However, todays workout was something special. During the press ups my body was giving up. The DaVinci/shoulder raise combo is a real killer. I think if I'd been facing the prospect of 20 more days of this I would have collapsed and cried, no joke. It suddenly hit me during the curls that tomorrow evening, it'll be done, finito, history. I had a jump rope triumph today. I was show boating with some one legged jumps and double jumps. It was a great feeling and all I could think of was the fact that I looked like the phootage you see of Muhammad Ali. What a man!

So, tomorrows the day. The day we've all been working towards. All the pain, stress and sweat we've experienced as a team is coming to a close, brilliant stuff!

See you then!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 88 tired but motivated

Today was a good chance for some good down time. It was a broken up week with Nicole and Mike visiting, exams and so on. However, I've decided that I'm staying in for this weekend to make sure I finish this project as strong as possible.

Todays exercises were good. The v-sits seem to have taken over as the main ab workout for the last few days. I once again managed all full pull ups today, and the chest dips following it are a real challenge but the burn is satisfying.

On a christamas note, we're getting our tree tomorrow which is always a sign of christmas being just around the corner! I'm dreaming not only for a white christmas, but a big mince pie!

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 86 super sets have arrived with a bang

I am absolutely in love with super sets. They are crazy tough, but the sense of urgency it creates and the extra burn is epic. I have never been so tired after a workout and the whole thing (including jumprope) took 68 minutes which is around 10 minutes shorter than usual. The fact that we are so close is driving me harder. Knowing that in a few days time, the PCP will be a thing of the past for me. Although, so many lessons I've learned and results I've gained will never be a thing of the past! I did the 8 minute abs again today. I love them, no doubt they are tough, but I am seeing the results having done them five days in a row now.

Oh, I lost my third rope today! It snapped completely in half during the second set of 9 mins. I've resorted to my second choice rope which isn't as easy to use. However, only 4 days to go so it will have to do!

Photos! A little late, but the week twelves are up. I tried a good ab pose and thats the best I could come up with. The results are staggering. I'll have my key physical information up on day 90, so that will be interesting!

See you on day 87!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 85 walking is underrated

We had a transport dilemma today. Both my parents were busy with work in town and I was in school, which is around 20 kilometres from town, and I needed a lift. So, do I wait for an hour and a half for a lift and inconvenience my Dad? No chance, walk it! My school is around 3 km away from home. Its not a lot, but a motorway and a vicious hill seperated me from an afternoon of relaxation. One major stumbling block was the snow and ice, so much snow and ice! It was difficult to negotiate but I'm here and I'm alive. It took around 40 minutes but it was fun and a nice adventure all the same! As for the exam itself, it went OK. I loath and detest maths. Its the most frustrating subject for me and always has been. Even talking about it now its I'll stop.

Alright, PCP. The exercises were a challenge and a half this evening. The forward shoulder raises are killer when you add in the pause at the top of the action. The floor jumps are tolerable for the first two sets, but set 4 and 5 are a real killer. 8 minute abs are tough, but I will never stop laughing at the guy and the corny music. The words "come on gang!" will never leave my mind as long as I live. On a serious note, at first I seriously struggled with the oblique exercises, but they're creaping through now and I'm able to work the full 45 seconds on that one, and I'm cruising through the 8 minutes now which is a great feeling!

So, its agonisingly close to day ninety, but I'm actually going to miss the whole experience. However, its not over yet, not over by a long shot!

See you soon!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 84 A good few days!

Ok, I realised I haven't posted in a couple of days. A lots been going on, the Rewucki's coming over, exams and bad weather. Nicole and her husband Michael arrived on Sunday after some major travel disruptions. I haven't seen them since August and they were just popping in after going on a business trip. My sister was over aswell, so I had zero opportunity to workout. Its only the sixth workout that I've missed but I made up for it today by doing yesterdays exercises with todays jump rope. My sister and I stayed up all night to see Nicole and Mike off early this morning so I slept from six until one! It was great, but I sure felt the effects at the end of the day!

Annoyingly, the weather has forced the school to cancel so many exam days so I still have Math tomorrow. Its frustrating, but the snow has been a real laugh. I've finally graduated fully to the full pull ups. I did 50 today, and it was mightily tough but fun! Once again I did the 8 minute abs. I'm seeing the difference of doing them everyday aswell as the other ab exercises. I'm hoping for a full on six-pack in the near future.

So, only 6 days left. It really has zoomed by even though the first month took FOREVER! Anywho, the photos for week twelve will be up tomorrow and I'm gunning for the new workouts to arrive and a chance to get my teeth into some super sets!

See you tomorrow!